Safetrac’s new Career Skills Courses will enhance your business culture

The protection of your business (and your brand) involves two very important components: compliance with industry regulations and the law and secondly, the education, growth and well-being of individual employees.

Both aspects speak to an organisation’s culture and values, the strength of which ensures business longevity and an upstanding reputation in a highly competitive marketplace.

Creating a sturdy foundation internally will allow your business to withstand economic storms, and at the very least keep your brand integrity securely in place. A strong workforce means a strong business.

Compliance training has become a requirement that every organisation must implement. Laying a solid foundation of awareness of the rules and regulations that govern your workplace and industry is necessary. Only then, can Career Skills accentuate this training.

Example of Compliance Training and Career Skills: A Win-Win Combination

Your staff can build upon the solid foundation of compliance training with career skills.

Important concepts such as Active Listening, How to Have Difficult Conversations or Empathy can assist in the practical application of core compliance training in your organisation.

By providing staff with these personal tools, it will assist them in genuinely understanding and applying crucial aspects of their compliance training.

For example, Active Listening is a skill that is helpful in recognising topics that are mentioned in a compliance course about Diversity and Inclusion or Whistleblowing.

The importance of educating, not just training, your staff on regulations, laws, conduct and culture of your business is paramount, and then layering this with their personal development becomes powerful!

Safetrac’s newly created Career Skills courses have been designed to train your staff on these crucial personal skills, covering topics such as leadership, teamwork and active listening that, when coupled with compliance training, will provide a holistic training platform for your organisation’s success.

In a recent report on the future of jobs by the World Economic Forum, by 2020, skills such as complex problem solving, critical thinking, people management and emotional intelligence will be amongst the most important skills required in the workplace.

Career skills, often referred to as soft skills or professional development skills, incorporate the personal attributes required to enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.

This is especially crucial in a business setting, where individuals are required to work as a team to achieve business and personal growth. Those with career skills training are often seen as having unique and broad backgrounds that can help diversify a company and help it run more efficiently.

According to Nick Patterson, course director at Deakin University’s Master of IT Leadership, “Soft Skills [Career Skills] are crucial for business success. Two-thirds of jobs are going to be soft-skill intensive by 2030. The technical skills are on the easier side of things – the elements related to being a professional employee and flourishing in the workplace are much harder”.

Cultivating career skills such as flexibility, communication and teamwork means that everyone can bring their ideas to the table and work together to find the best way forward – creating a strong and empowering work culture.

Safetrac’s compliance platform will now be delivering Career Skills courses.

The latest platform interface clearly distinguishes core compliance training courses from career skills courses, the latter which can be marked by management as assigned or optional for the learner.

The overall experience is easy-to-access and navigate, making it simple for the learner to know what they must do, and what is nice-to-do.

For a learner to access the Career Skills course library, a single subscription per person is required. Career Skills courses will cover topics such as Active Listening, Customer Service, Leadership and Teamwork under categories covering Corporate Culture, Human Resources, Performance Management, Self-Improvement and Workplace Skills. The course library is rapidly expanding.

For more, visit Safetrac’s Career Skills or contact us to request a preview of the courses or a demonstration of the platform

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