Safetrac’s Annual Compliance Report 2022-23

The role of corporate compliance has shifted dramatically over the past two years due to the global pandemic, and organisations have focused solely on survival. As the dust settles, we can finally evaluate and catch up on new working conditions, expectations, and societal change.

To better understand the new compliance landscape as we exit crisis mode, we have conducted research for our annual Compliance Report.

Gone are the days when considering compliance as just a ‘tick-a-box’ activity. Instead, we enter an era where it influences strategic direction. Research indicates boards have direct involvement and active engagement in overseeing compliance, emphasising that the role of workplace compliance is not only pivotal to creating a positive culture but for creating long-term sustainable profits and shareholder value.

Two-thirds of organisations will increase their focus on compliance this year to Work Health and Safety, Cyber SecurityCode of Conduct and Anti-Bullying and Anti-Harassment.

Our annual Compliance Report 2022-23 shows that these early post-pandemic shifts are tell-tale signs for the future of the working world, including the changes to internal responsibility, an increase in budget for compliance and the gradual removal of face-to-face training and a shift to online training.

You can find out more by viewing or downloading our Compliance Report 2022-23.

Click to view the full report
Click to view the full report

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