Royal Commission has made one thing clear

As the Royal Commission into misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry continues, one item has become clear; compliance training cannot be an isolated event. Indeed, it is not even sufficient that compliance training addresses current laws and regulations within the geographic region staff operate, nor that it is engaging and has a…

Managing risks to reputation in educational institutions

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently” (Warren Buffet). Educational institutions have long been characterised by their prestige – ranking, academic results and even alumni. Reputation, therefore, is everything in this industry. An article by the Harvard Business Review…

Respect at work: What businesses need to know for cultural change

The discussion playing out around the landmark Respect@Work report, and the Government’s in principle acceptance of the 55 recommendations, is a timely reminder that we need to bring continuous education into our workplaces. Responses to the Roadmap for Respect Responses to the Federal Government’s Roadmap for Respect have been varied. Prominent voices in Australian business…

Effective Online Compliance Training

Your brand is your most important asset and, no matter how big or small your business, you need to protect its integrity at all costs. The best way to do this is to ensure your employees undergo effective compliance training to make them aware of the risks their actions could potentially pose to your brand.…