Stay informed and compliant.

Safetrac’s Legislative Update Portal

A portal that provides real-time information on the latest changes and developments in laws and regulations of our compliance courses.


With Safetrac’s Legislative Update Portal, you’ll have access to:

Legal Updates

Course monitoring, legal sign off and impending or planned reviews or updates, including legislative change.

Improved Course Scheduling

See the impending changes or reviews to the courseware to better plan and schedule your rollouts.  If you see an upcoming review, consider holding off your training until the course is updated, saving your staff (and thus business) time and cost.

Legal & Regulatory Compliance Details

You will have access to the date of the last legal review, update information and legal sign-off – providing proof to your legal team and any regulator that your courses are pro-actively maintained and monitored for legislative change.

Entire Safetrac Course Library

Currently, the Update Portal provides oversight to all topics, not just the ones you subscribe to.  This will provide you with a monitoring service to know what legislative change is pending across a large range of compliance topics.  If you want more information, you can click on the title and see a full description of that course. Should you wish to review the course and assess its suitability for your team, please email your Account Manager and we will upload it for you to preview.

Register your details

To request access, please complete the below form.

Please note, we will approve your request within 48 hours if you fit the criteria to view this content.

Portal Registration
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