Documents FAQs

Manage and track compliance-related documents, ensuring they remain up-to-date and accessible.

General Information

What is the Safetrac Documents feature?

The Safetrac Documents feature is a comprehensive tool for managing organisational compliance and governance documents. It ensures that critical compliance documents are up-to-date, properly managed, and easily accessible within the Safetrac platform.

Problem Addressed

What problems does the Safetrac Documents feature address?

The Documents feature helps clients manage compliance documents effectively by addressing common issues such as:

  • Documents going out of date.
  • Multiple versions of a document being used across the organisation.
  • Difficulty aligning compliance activities with documentation.
  • Unclear responsibility for document management within the organisation.
  • Limited visibility and access permissions for compliance documents.


What are the benefits of using the Safetrac Documents feature?

Benefits include:

  • Simplified Compliance Management: Streamlines the process of managing compliance activities and training.
  • Single Source of Truth: Provides a centralised location for all organisational compliance documents, ensuring consistency and accuracy.
  • Efficient Document Management: Easier integration of documents into compliance activities and improved document tracking through automated alerts and reporting.
  • Enhanced Reporting: Generates comprehensive reports to monitor document currency and compliance status.
How does the Documents feature enhance compliance activities?

By associating documents with tasks, meetings, courses, and surveys, the feature ensures that compliance activities are well-supported with relevant and up-to-date documentation. This integration improves the alignment of compliance efforts and documentation.

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